Paulsen, G. (1998). My life
in dog years. New York: Delacorte Press.
My Life in Dog Years is an autobiography
written by Gary Paulsen with help from his wife Ruth Wright Paulsen. This book was written to detail Paulsen’s
life while exploring the different dogs he owned. More specifically he details the relationship
he had with each dog and the dog’s individual personality. The structure of
this book is sequence. This
autobiography begins in the Philippines when Gary is seven years old. Where he details his first dog. The book then progress through his life in
time order. My Life in Dog Years is
written as a mix of biological science and social science. This book is biological science because it
deals with pets and living organisms, specifically Gary Paulsen’s dogs. Also, I believe that this book is social
science because it details Paulsen’s relationships with his dogs. He gives the dogs human qualities, which
contributes to my opinion that this is also a social science book.
Question: How has a relationship with an
animal impacted your life? How would
your life have been different if you had not developed this relationship with
the animal?
Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or
technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information
in the text.
Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or
speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Lessons: Students could research
information about the breeds of dogs that Gary Paulsen discusses in this
book. Then they could use what they
learn about the breeds to explain some of the details Paulsen gives about the
dog’s he owned. For example; Paulsen
discusses a farm collie that he believes is the smartest dog he has ever
known. Students can find information
about collies that support Paulsen’s observation.